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Grief-Stricken Dog Owner Warns Other Pet Parents Of Dog Toy Danger After It Claims Her Dog’s Life

Owning a pet is a serious business, you have to be sure to feed them well, give them plenty of water, lots of love, and they need exercise too! The best way to make sure your dog is getting exercise and isn’t bored is to buy them toys. Tragically, some toys are dangerous and may …

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Boy Leaves Heartbreaking Note On Toy Panda Because His Mom Couldn’t Afford It

In Liverpool, England, a boy along with his mother named Debbie Ashworth, took a liking to a stuffed toy, which he named ‘Pandy’ which was for sale at ASDA supermarket. The boy wanted to wait till June 15th so that he could tell his mother to purchase it for him with her paycheck. But he didn’t get the panda after …

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Dachshund Reunites With His Favorite Toy From Puppyhood And His Reaction Is Beyond Adorable

When you were a kid you probably had your favorite toy – right? I had this one LEGO man that was my favorite, and I had to hide it from my younger brother to be sure I would always be able to play with him! In this video, we meet Finn, the dachshund, who has …

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Lion Was Bored. Zookeeper Threw Him A Toy, But Was Caught Off Guard By Lion’s Reaction (Video)

This handsome lion is named Triton, and he lives at the Johannesburg Zoo in South Africa. According to Agnes Maluleke, the zookeeper in charge of the carnivores, Triton’s favorite toy is his soccer ball! When Maluleke tosses the ball into Triton’s enclosure, the 11-year-old lion shows off his skills! This just goes to show you …

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Glowworm Toy Sparks Warning After 5-Month-Old Baby Burned

The job of a parent never ends. When our children are young, we do our best to protect them from harm – but you never expect the harm to be caused by a stuffed toy. A new warning to parents whose children have a Gloworm toy. The toy is advertised as having a friendly glowing …

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Dog Patiently Waits For Owner To Repair Its Favorite Toy (Video)

Well-behaved dogs are extremely pleasant to be around – as such, teaching your dog basic commands like ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ are greatly important. It also keeps the dog safe. But did you know that it can be beneficial for owners, too? Meet Abby the Labrador, who demonstrates patience in the best way – while her owner …

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Heartbroken Dog Who Was Sad After Losing Her Toy, Gets A Surprise From Her Family

Did you have a favorite toy when you were a kid? I did, it was a Lego man. He was my favorite! My younger brother knew how much I loved that Lego man. One day, after we had had a little fight, he flushed my Lego man! I was devastated – and still remember the …

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Family Starts Recording Their Cat, Then Suddenly He Finds A New Toy To Play With!

Cats are curious. At my house, you can tell when the cats have found something interesting because they will all gather (in a circle) around the ‘foreign’ object and watch. They can often get themselves into trouble with the things they find. Anything that hangs down from a high height is fair game for cats. …

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Woman Is Fixing Cat’s Favorite Toy, But The Cat’s Hilarious Expression Says It All!

Some of our worst critics are our own pets. In my house, my pets are constantly reminding me to do things. Like feed them, love them, give them treats or they have to tell me to take them out. I suppose I make their life a little harder by just being a silly human. In …

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Child Playing With A Popular Toy Finds Herself Fighting For Her Life At The ER

You have got to watch your children very carefully. Toddlers should not be left alone while they play. Toddlers are naturally very curious, and that may get them into serious trouble. Brianna Florer, 2-years-old, had a low-grade fever. It didn’t take long for Brianna to turn blue and then she began vomiting. Her family called …

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