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He Saw A Group Of Men Kicking And Beating A Fox. Then He Became A Hero

A 15 year old teeenager, Luke Rowles stepped in to save a fox from a group of men. They were beating the poor fox when Luke spotted them. He shouted at them and left with the fox in his arms. They had taped the fox’s mouth and beaten it until it was bleeding. Luke nursed …

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Man Who Finds A Dead Fox On The Side Of The Road Gets A Huge Surprise 8 Hours Later

One afternoon on the roads, one man stumbled upon a fox lying on the road – and it wasn’t moving. He couldn’t bear to leave the poor fox lying there, so he brought it along with him in his car, in an effort to warm it up! While waiting for the fox to wake up, …

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College Suspends Students After They Butcher Fox, Badger And Cat In Sick Contest

This 10-second video is absolutely vile, please be warned that the content is graphic. The cruel students who perpetrated this senseless act of violence have all been expelled. What did they do you ask – they butchered a badger, a teacher’s cat and a fox in a contest. A contest to kill the biggest animal. …

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Fox About To Kill Stray Cat Leaves Photographer Speechless When He Zoomed In

Mother nature is awesome and takes my breath away on almost a daily basis. The photographer in this video saw something that took his breath away too! When he first saw the fox on the rocky beach at Lake Van, Turkey, it looked like the fox was hunting a stray cat. Now, before you panic, …

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Man Slowly Approached An Injured Fox And Within 20 Minutes They Were Cuddling

When most people see a fox, they only get a fleeting glance. You see the tail of the fox as it darts into the bushes. The people who saw Basil, the fox, got much more than a glimpse. They saw Basil during the day, and he was limping. The people who found the fox contacted …

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Fox Rescued From Fur Farm Sings And It Is Incredibly Precious

You have heard of a swan song – right? It is the final public appearance of a performance artist before they retire. It isn’t that swan’s actually sing. Anyway, did you know that foxes could sing? I am serious. I didn’t know it myself – but in the video below, you will get to hear …

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Rescuers Spot A Pile Of Mud, But When It Starts Breathing, They Quickly Realize Something’s Wrong

Under all this mud is a fox. A baby fox. The four-month-old fox made a bad choice when it decided to walk through a construction site in 2012. There was some thick mud that he thought he could walk through – but it was too thick, and he got stuck. Luckily the construction workers saw …

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Man Comes Across A Strange Brown Block Of Ice. Upon Closer Look, There Was A Fox In It

Mother nature has been handing out some very cold, wintery weather in parts of the world. Franz Stehle, a hunter, found a fox in a river when out in southwest Germany this past December. The fox was encased in ice in the Baden-Wurttemberg area of Germany. Stehle cut the fox out of the ice making …

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Fox Hears Something Deep In The Snow And His Next Move Is Amazing

Winter is here! In many places, snow is falling, and baby, it’s cold outside! But, that doesn’t mean every creature bundles up and stays inside. Wild animals still have to eat. So, they have to go outside and hunt for food – no matter how deep the snow is. But, animals have warm fur and …

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