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Mom Of 2 Poses In Bikini Next To Fit Husband, Strangers See She’s Different

People judge you, and you may never know what they think. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about you. What is important is how you feel about yourself. Sadly, having a poor body image is something that a lot of people deal with every day. We all see the ‘beautiful’ people on television and in …

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4 Children Find Parents Dead On Floor, Then Notice What’s On Dad’s Face

They had what seemed to be the ‘perfect’ life. But, Brian and Courtney Halye were both found dead in their home on March 16. They both died from an apparent drug overdose. The worst part is that the children were the ones who found their dead parents and called 911. Officer John Davis from the Centerville …

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Teacher Forces 3-Year-Old To Mop Own Urine At Preschool

The Head Start Program in Prince George’s County, Maryland is facing charges of child abuse. That is all kinds of wrong! A school system should be the last place you would expect child abuse. Here is what happened – a three-year-old student at Winship Wheatley Early Childhood Center had an accident at nap time and …

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Neighbor Pays The Price After Thinking He Got Away With Evil Act (Video)

Some people are just plain mean. Take the guy in this picture for example. He went next door on a Sunday morning and unplugged a bounce house that had been set up for a child’s birthday party. The party, being held at the Romero house, was ruined because of the deflated house. To make matters …

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Photo Of A Hungry Father Watching His Own Children Eat Prompted Compassion From All Around The World

On 11 March 2017, one photo uploaded by Phillipino user Jhunnel Sarajan has touched the world – and it involves a selfless father showing his true love for his two daughters at a local fast food restaurant. Jhunnel noted that the man, 38-year-old Ryan Arebuabo, only watched his two daughters eat while he did not – both girls …

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Because Some Kids Go Without Food For Days, This Hero Builds A New Kitchen For Them

In Detroit, the Downtown Boxing Gym Youth Center’s kitchen was in terrible need of a reworking. They only had a microwave and a fridge capable of storing the simplest of snacks and a few tables scattered around in the room of peeling paint. Khali Sweeney, the founder of the center, was heartbroken when he realized …

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Scary X-Ray Of 5-Year Old Shows Why Young Kids Shouldn’t Eat Grapes Without Supervision

Did you know that the fourth leading cause of death of accidental death in children under the age of 5 is choking? Angela Henderson, a blogger from Australia, decided to raise awareness for this issue by posting a shocking photo on her Facebook wall. It was one of an X-ray of a five-year-old kid’s esophagus, where …

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More Than 10 Kids Who Clearly Did Not Want To Have Siblings

Have you ever thought that you did not want any new brothers or sisters? Some kids are more than happy when they heard that they are getting a new sibling from their parents. Others? Not at all, apparently. Check out the pictures below! Clearly she thinks dogs are better than people…am I right, Joyce? Well …

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Doctors Are Now Warning Parents To Keep Their Children’s Milk Teeth

Teeth do require a huge amount of care, especially amongst children. Open gaps where baby teeth used to be could invite unwanted bacteria. Usually, parents would tell their kids to throw them away after they dropped out, or the dentist would do so. But no one would expect that baby teeth are of great importance …

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Heartbroken Kids Realize Mom No Longer Wants Them When They See This Building

It is bad enough when people take unwanted pets to a shelter and leave them there. One so-called mother, Nikia Smith, in Georgia actually took her three children to a Department of Family and Children Services office and left them there! Smith told the staff, she just didn’t want them anymore. The children were ages …

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