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Rescue Baby Rhino Won’t Sleep Until Rescuer Sings Her A Special Lullaby

Even a baby rhino that was rescued is capable of showing love and affection to the humans who rescued it! A baby rhino was rescued after being through an ordeal and needed to be checked over for any injuries, but, the rhino had never encountered humans before and wasn’t about to let anyone touch her! …

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Woman Spots Dog Severely Hit By Car Crawling And Screaming On The Streets For Help

Dodo, the dog, was hit by a car in Athens, Greece and was found by some people crawling along the ground in extreme pain. Linda took the poor dog in and made sure she got the help she needed. Dodo, sadly, was given to a foster family who neglected her. Linda took her back and …

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Siblings Who Were Locked Like Animals In Cages Finally Meet The Man Who Rescued Them

Sharen and Michael Gravelle had 11 adoptive children. Depending on what state you live in, becoming an adoptive parent isn’t easy. In October 2013, Carlyle Smith went to the Gravelle home to interview for a part-time job with the family. As soon as he walked into the home, Carlyle knew something wasn’t right. He was …

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Sick Woman Who Claimed To Be An Animal Rescuer Gets Arrested When Authorities Raid Her Home

This woman, is Vickie West, 63, from Fayetteville, Arkansas. West claimed to be a rescuer of dogs and cats. She would take animals that were at high risk of being euthanized from shelters in Texas and move them to different rescue groups. Tragically, a cat and 25 dogs were found living in filthy conditions at …

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