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Man Donates Kidney To Friend, Possibly Saves His Own Life

We have all heard stories about ordinary people who do extraordinary things and save another person’s life. In this story, two men saved each other! As fate would have it, Don Herbert and his wife met Pastor Tim Jones when they heard gospel music playing at a church. Don had undergone a liver transplant a …

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Warrant Issued For Arrest Of Man Accused Of Dragging Dog For Over 5 Miles

Brandyn Cox is a monster – pure and simple. In Evansville, Indiana he drove his truck five miles dragging a dog behind! Hank, a Great Dane mix, was killed during the incident. The police report said that the whole left side of Hank’s body had been worn down to the bone. While Cox was responsible …

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Man Gets Bitten By Poisonous Spider, Decides To Prick The Wound With A Needle

Spider bites are no joke. One man was on a trip to Indiana when he got bitten by a spider. His body reacted to the venom in an interesting way. Within three or four days, the bite was all nasty and gross. The infected area had swollen up and crusted over. Instead of going to …

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Cruel Man Mercilessly Beat His Tiny Puppy For One Reason Only

In Sarasota County, a 26-year-old man named Steven Thompson was arrested in August 2015 for beating his nine-month-old puppy. The reason Thompson beat the puppy was because the small dog had chewed a decorative pillow. You know what – puppies chew things! If you didn’t want the dog to chew the pillow – put the …

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Every Morning Man Walks To Feed Birds. One Day When He Was Late, Birds Stopped All Traffic

We all run late for work or an appointment at some point in our lives. Sometimes it isn’t a big deal, you just show up a little late, and things are fine. Sometimes, it is not okay to be late! Like, if you are the teacher at a college – you really should show up …

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Man Travels The World To Teach People 1 Dance – Then Puts It All Together For Spectacular Video

Good music makes you want to bust a move! Some of us just do random movements and hope we don’t look too silly while doing it! It doesn’t matter where you are from, everyone dances. Matt wanted to see if music and dance could really bring people together – and guess what?! It does. To …

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Karma Destroys Man Who Stole, Killed And Tortured 21 Of His Neighbor’s Cats

Remember this name – Robert Roy Farmer. He is the notorious cat killer in San Jose, California who will be spending the next 16 years in jail! What a victory for animal rights activists! Farmer was convicted of killing 21 cats – he was even caught having sex with a dead cat! he police took …

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Man Buys Apartment Complex Worth $4 Million – Lets Homeless Women And Kids Live For Free

They say money can’t buy you happiness and I do believe that is true. True happiness comes from within. Money can help people get out of some very unhappy situations though. Rick Steves is a guru and travel writer. You may be familiar with his work as a host on the Travel Channel. He took …

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Man Locks Family In Basement During Tornado, Then Sees Storm Lifting His SUV Off The Ground

Okay, here comes a question that really shouldn’t be that hard to answer. If there was a contest between an SUV and a tornado – which do you think would win?! If you are stumped, prepare to have the answer provided to you in the form of a video! In Hamburg, New York, the National …

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People Caught Off Guard After Spotting Man Removing Shirt On Security Cam In Grocery Store

Did you ever notice that when men work out at the gym, they spend an incredible amount of time staring at themselves in the mirror?! I swear they spend more time flexing in front of the mirror than they do lifting weights! I may be biased, but I don’t see many women doing that at …

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