In Sarasota County, a 26-year-old man named Steven Thompson was arrested in August 2015 for beating his nine-month-old puppy. The reason Thompson beat the puppy was because the small dog had chewed a decorative pillow. You know what – puppies chew things! If you didn’t want the dog to chew the pillow – put the pillow up high or in a closet. There was no reason to beat the poor terrier mix!
The dog, Sugar, was taken to an emergency clinic in Sarasota and was in respiratory distress and had internal injuries. Thompson admitted that he had thrown the dog against the floor and hit her several times with a closed fist after finding the dog with the destroyed pillow. The pillow reportedly belonged to Thompson’s girlfriend. As a sort of defense, Thompson said he lost it when he saw the pillow – he had just gotten off a 12-hour shift as a server at a restaurant.
Take a look at this monster

Image Credit: yousignanimals
Thompson did have bite wounds on his hands and knuckles, according to the arrest report. The Herald Tribune also reported that Thompson was remorseful and cooperative a the Sarasota County Jail. Well, sure he is – he was caught beating up a dog for chewing a pillow, he probably also feels like a jerk!
Sugar was in the capable hands of the veterinary staff while she recovered. Thompson was charged with cruelty to animals but was released on $1,500 bond. There were no updates to the story, let us hope Sugar found a loving home. Share away, people.