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Every Morning Man Walks To Feed Birds. One Day When He Was Late, Birds Stopped All Traffic

We all run late for work or an appointment at some point in our lives. Sometimes it isn’t a big deal, you just show up a little late, and things are fine. Sometimes, it is not okay to be late! Like, if you are the teacher at a college – you really should show up …

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Social Worker Visits Woman Living In Tiny Apartment, Then Sees Over 300 Birds Inside

I have heard of people who hoard cats and dogs – but never about a bird hoarder. Stories like this make my heart sad. The woman in this story started out with a passion for birds that soon turned into a big problem. She lived with her elderly mother in an apartment in Vienna, Austria …

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Heartbroken Rescue Bird Says Goodbye To Her Best Friend With A Kiss (Photos)

Coco met Lucky Lou at a refuge for unwanted birds in Vancouver, Canada and the two quickly became BFFs. They had both been passed around from house to house never finding a forever home because the trouble is that most people don’t have any idea what is it like to take care of a parrot. …

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Because Of One Mistake People Made, 395 Unfortunate Birds Died In One Night

People like to leave lights on at night for various reasons. Some neighborhoods are very dark, and maybe it will help deter would-be thieves from wreaking havoc on your property. In Galveston, Texas, lights left on at some city buildings resulted in the death of 395 birds! Police officer Josh Henderson was not prepared for …

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Woman Fed Live Puppies And Kittens To Python Then Put Pictures Online

This horrifying image of a puppy being strangled by a python was posted by a woman. The woman and her Royal Python live in Granada, Spain. She is under investigation by the animal protection unit of the Guardia Civil. A volunteer at a local animal shelter saw the picture after reading about a snake for …

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Tiny Bird Looking For Help Approaches A Gardner. What Follows Will Leave You Speechless

It is rare for you to be outside, in nature, and just get approached by a wild animal – right? We don’t live in a fairy tale land where wild animals just trust us enough to come close. But, one man was outside doing yard work when a baby robin came by for a closer …

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Heartbroken Bird Doesn’t Want To Believe That Her Best Friend Is Gone Forever

A sad fact of life is that everything and everyone eventually dies. We all know that things die. But that doesn’t make it any easier when the time comes. Do animals understand death? I don’t know. I know animals grieve and experience loss in the same way that people do. I had a male cat …

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Magpie Flies Inside The House And Laughs Just Like A Human Child

Do you find it creepy when animals imitate human sounds? I do – just a little. There are birds that can talk and sing, and that is okay. Sometimes it is cute to hear a bird sing along to songs or talk along with a commercial on television. The Magpie in this video just sounds …

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Guy Spots A Raven So He Comments On It’s Nose. But Wasn’t Expecting The Raven To Respond

Do you like birds? I do. But I do not wish to have them as pets. My mom had some finches and cockatiels once. They are a lot of work. My younger brother taught the cockatiels how to tweet “pretty bird” and to whistle a few short tunes. It was amazing that they could learn …

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WATCH: Man Uses His Warm Breath To Free Poor Bird Frozen To Fence

In Idaho on New Year’s morning, Nelson Wilson went out to feed his horses. He saw one tiny bird perched on the steel fence by the water tank. Most of us know that touching something frozen and metal with wet hands will cause your skin to freeze onto the metal. The poor bird, a finch, …

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