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Man Donates Kidney To Friend, Possibly Saves His Own Life

We have all heard stories about ordinary people who do extraordinary things and save another person’s life. In this story, two men saved each other! As fate would have it, Don Herbert and his wife met Pastor Tim Jones when they heard gospel music playing at a church. Don had undergone a liver transplant a …

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Pastor Sues Powerball Winner After She Gives Him $700,000

Marie Holmes won the Powerball lottery in February 2015 and chose to get her winnings as a lump sum amounting to a whopping $188 million! Holmes used the money to bail her boyfriend out of jail four times – which cost her about $21 million, according to BlackAmericaWeb.Now. But that’s not why this story is …

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Man About To Be Baptised Can’t Contain Himself So He Accidentally Dragged His Pastor’s Underwear

I don’t remember my baptism, I was an infant at the time. The pictures showed my family and friends gathered around as the priest poured some water from a cup over my forehead. Even that small amount of water on my head made me cry – maybe the water was cold or something. Some baptisms …

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