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These Poodle Cats Are So Adorable Your Heart Will Melt When You See Them

This adorable creature is known as a Selkirk Rex (aka poodle cat!). According to The Cat Fancier’s Association, the breed can be traced bay to 1987 in Montana when Persian breeder, Jeri Newman bred her black Persian (named PhotoFish of Deekay) to a housecat that was living at a shelter. Three of the kittens had …

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10+ Hilarious Pictures Of Jurassic Park Dinosaurs Replaced With Cats (Photos)

Everyone knows about the famous movie franchise, “Jurassic Park”. But ever wonder what happens when the dinosaurs are replaced by gigantic cats instead? Here are some hilarious pictures! A flare is useful to distract large dinosaurs or cats. The flare certainly got his attention alright.. What luxurious fur… A sleeping giant cat, who wouldn’t want …

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Woman Left Heartbroken After Discovering What Was Inside Two Filthy Cardboard Boxes

Last Thursday was an interesting day at Project Purr Animal Rescue, which is a cat rescue shelter located in Mobile, Alabama. Margie Morris, the director of Project Purr, had just arrived and noticed two cardboard boxes sitting just outside the door. The boxes were stacked on top of each other, and both were speckled with holes. …

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Rescuers Save Over 100 Cats And Dogs From Horrendous Conditions At Hoarder’s Home

This story is very sad, but keep in mind that most hoarders have a mental disorder and may not realize what they are doing. The Humane Society of North Texas and Keller Animal Control were called to a rundown home, what they saw will not be quickly forgotten. Neighbors had called animal control when a …

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ER Doctor Revives Stray Cat Who Was Dying In Front Of Hospital

This white stray cat nearly lost his life outside the Özel Akgün Tem Hospital located in Istanbul, Turkey. Miracle had tried to walk into the building through a revolving door at the very same time a man was leaving the building. Unfortunately for Miracle, the man did not notice him and simply pushed the door …

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10 Pictures That Prove That Maine Coon Cats Are MASSIVE!

You would have thought that domestic cats are small in size unlike their wild cousins. But not this specific breed, this cat breed is larger than the other breeds! Introducing the Maine Coon cat! Look at the size of this cat! Maine Coon cats have long fur and can grow quite big. It is considered …

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Cat Hugs All The Orphaned Kittens His Mom Brings Home

Ellen Carozza, a veterinary technician found a kitten one day. Although she already had rescued many cats before this kitten, this kitten stole her heart when she brought him home. So she named him “Benedict Cumbercat” or Benny. She fell in love with him immediately even though he had an eye infection and a runny …

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Neighbors Complained About Noise So She Set Up A Hidden Camera And Started Recording

Do you have noisy neighbors? I live across the street from a family that likes loud music. I am not complaining about the type of music – it is good music, but the hour they play the music leaves me quite unhappy. Nora, the cat, lives with a piano teacher named Betsy. There were some …

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Police Raid Veterinarian’s Apartment And Makes A Grisly Discovery Under The Floor

Most veterinarians get into the profession to help animals because they have a passion and a deep love for animals that pulls them to becoming a veterinarian. I know several veterinarians who have more than their fair share of animals living at their house! But, not all veterinarians are that honest and dedicated. Gary Samuel, …

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Cowboy Herding Cats Commercial May Just Be The Best We’ve Seen

If you love cats and kittens, you will love this video – or, maybe you won’t – but you will have to watch it to find out! The commercial below features more than just cats, there are also cowboys! It isn’t every day you see cowboys and kittens in the same commercial! The clip starts …

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