If you love cats and kittens, you will love this video – or, maybe you won’t – but you will have to watch it to find out! The commercial below features more than just cats, there are also cowboys! It isn’t every day you see cowboys and kittens in the same commercial!

Image Credit: TheMaurycy / YouTube
The clip starts in the Wild West as our cowboy enters and explains he comes from a long line of cat herders! Preposterous of course, but also hilarious! We get a brief glimpse into the life of a cat herders from dusk to dawn!

Image Credit: TheMaurycy / YouTube
The cats have to be guided through water, and then there are the lint rollers! As you can imagine, herding cats is probably the most difficult task anyone could ever do! Watch and see how these men make it look easy!
Be sure to share the fun with your friends!