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If This Mom’s Before & After Photos Don’t Scare You From Tanning Too Much, Nothing Will

The largest organ we have is our skin. Skin protects us from sunlight, heat, infection, and injury. According to the National Cancer Institute, it also stores water, vitamin D, and fat. Skin cancer, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation is caused by damage to DNA of skin cells – which is the result of ultraviolet …

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Dad Killed His Baby Who Survived Cancer Because He Was Jealous Of The Attention She Got

Ryan Lawrence, 25, took a baseball bat and beat his 21-month-old daughter, Maddox, to death. Then he burned her body in a fire pit and tied her remains to a cinder block and dumped it into the Onondaga Creek located in Syracuse. Shortly after that, Lawrence pleaded guilty to first and second-degree murder. Morgan Lawrence, …

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Woman’s Toothache Turns Out To Be A Devastating Cancerous Tumor

When Jenie Yoo, 28, first had pain in November 2015, she thought it was just a toothache. It wasn’t a toothache, it was jaw cancer. In March 2016, she started chemotherapy and at first things seemed to improve – the tumor stopped growing. But then her tumor started to get bigger, and doctors have given …

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Boy With Cancer Has One Request So He Asks Comedian To Attend His Funeral

Everyone has someone they look up to – a hero or a role model. We want to be just like them and would love for them to at least know that we exist (right?). In the video below, Russell Howard, a comedian, shares with his audience a story about a young boy named Dylan. Howard …

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Dad Was Unaware Teen Daughter Was Watching When He Sat Outside Sick Mom’s Door

You want to see true love? Scroll down, and you will see a picture of it. The picture just shows the back of a man. He is sitting in front of a door that is ajar. He has a little table and chair and is peeking his head into what appears to be a bedroom. …

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School Suspends 9-Year-Old For Shaving Her Head To Support Friend Battling Cancer

In Colorado, a 9-year-old girl, Kamryn Renfro, shaved her head to show her support for a friend, Delaney Clements, who is battling cancer. Most people would find the gesture touching or heartwarming. But, not Kamryn’s school. The school Kamryn goes to, Caprock Academy, has a ‘no shaved head’ policy as part of their dress code. …

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Cat Loses Best Friend To Cancer And Will Not Leave Her Side

Losing a friend is difficult for everyone, including animals. Pets are just as touched by the loss of their families as humans, and they often grieve for them, too. When Chuey passed away due to jaw cancer, her owners decided to show their other cat Big Boy her body. This was to ensure that he …

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Just After Patient Consumed Plant Root, Patient’s Cancer Cells Were Destroyed In 48 Hours

Cancer is a deadly and dangerous thing. Every year, at least 150 people succumb to the deadly disease, making it one of the world’s top killers. Is there ever a cure for such a deadly condition? However, Scientists are now claiming that a certain plant root has a great medical potential behind its appearance – it …

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Story Of 7-Year-Old Boy Who Grew Out Hair For Cancer Patients Takes Sad Turn

Life isn’t fair. Sadly, Vinny Desautels has learned that lesson after he did something most adults would never do. Vinny, 7, grew out his hair – for two years, he let his hair grow. Once it was 13 inches long, he had it cut and donated the hair to cancer patients. Vinny was mocked and …

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