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UPS Worker Opens A 4-Year-Old Missing Package – Then Finds Mysterious Photos Inside

In Golden Valley, Minnesota, Randy Holst, a UPS store owner had a package sitting in his back room for four years. The package was returned to them when the addressee couldn’t be found. Both the sender and the recipient of the box had moved, and Randy was stuck with it. Finally, Randy decided to open …

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23 Dogs Who Think They Have Found The Perfect Hiding Spot

Have you ever played a game of Hide-and-seek with your dog? You would have thought humans are already easy to find if you are the seeker but what about dogs? Well apparently, some dogs thought they have hidden themselves really well but it is not the case! Check out the photos below! This goldie seem …

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One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other (10+ pics)

Most people like to arrange things in such a manner where everything is similar or at least, in the same category. However, sometimes there is always an odd one out! Check out the photos below! Cat statues….well perhaps not the Egyptian panther statue. Out of all these dogs, can you spot the real one? What …

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10+ Guinea Pigs With The Most Majestic Hair Ever (Photos)

People usually think that dogs are the only pets to go for professional pet grooming, let alone a guinea pig! It is fairly uncommon to see a guinea pig with styled fur but not for these few, check them out below! Maybe the inspiration behind this was from Disney’s Tangled… Long, luxurious fur…after grooming. Perhaps …

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10+ Dogs Who Are Afraid Of The Most Ridiculous Things (Photos)

Dogs are the same as humans, like us, they do have things which they fear. However, sometimes what they are scared of seem very ridiculous to us because it is something that we are obviously not afraid of! Check out these dogs below! A big dog is afraid of a few kittens….really? This corgi seems …

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Back To School Photos For A Bunch Of Grumpy Kids Mom Arranged Lit The Internet Up

A woman named Keshia Leeann Gardner hailing from Alabama in the United States lit up the internet ever since 2004..because of how she celebrates her children going back to school. Each year, before the school term starts, Keshia would line her kids up and jumps in front comically when the camera shutters come on..and they are …

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12-Year-Old Girl’s Controversial Photo Sparks Debate (Photos)

A twelve year old huntress, Aryanna Gourdin, from Cove in Utah, received numerous death threats and angry comments on her public Facebook page called Braids and Bows. It all started with her posting numerous photos of her posing with her kill in an African safari. She posed with a giraffe which she killed in a proud …

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12 Of The Most Perfectly Timed Moments Posted Online (Photos)

Photography is an amazing skill and thing – it allows us to capture precious moments of our lives that are left almost invisible to the naked eye. All it takes are a pair of lens to capture these twelve moments – in the form of photos! And some of them will even make you snicker! …

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17 Photos That Are So Perfectly Timed, You Just Have To See Twice

Picture perfect. Most of us own a camera. Many of us carry that camera around as part of our phone. We can whip that camera out to catch the funny, sad, and controversial moments in our lives. But, often times the pictures don’t come out quite right. Some of the pictures are blurry and out …

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