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Dad Wakes Up To Strange Kid On His Doorstep, Gets Car Keys When Boy Asks For A Ride To School

Knock, knock, someone, is at your front door! Do you answer it or just hope that they will go away?! I take the second option, if I wasn’t expecting anyone, I would not answer the door! Brian Smith decided to take option number one when he heard someone knocking on his front door one morning. …

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Smug Kid Cuts Off The Wrong Car, Stop Laughing When He Sees Who Gets Out

Road rage is real. If you have never felt or seen it, you are about to. The incident in the video below took place in El Paso County, Colorado. The video is disturbing and contains strong language that may not be suitable for all audiences. Branden Vega is arguing with another man about an incident …

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Horrible Kid Hits Cat On The Face, Keep Watching… She Gets Exactly What She Deserved.

You know what they say about karma….it’s a bi***. It is true. Karma has a way of dealing out the best kinds of ‘justice.’ This video is disturbing. First, we have a little girl who can only be described as a brat hitting a cat. Why she is hitting the cat is unclear, the cat …

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