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Man Rescues A Drowning Baby Goose From Dying, Now She Refuses To Leave Him!

Imprinting occurs when a baby animal fixes on the first living thing they see. The newborn animal will bond with its mother most of the time. It is for survival. Sometimes, a baby animal with imprint with another being that isn’t a parent. Kyle, the goose, has imprinted on Mike Jivanjee. Mike found the Kyle …

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This Goose Is So Happy To See His Human That He Can’t Contain Himself! (Video)

Sometimes you may feel as if you are falling apart. The warm, strong embrace from another person can sometimes make you feel as if you are being put back together. Those embraces are, of course, called hugs. Hugs are magical and powerful. Even animals enjoy hugs and cuddles. In this video, a goose wants to …

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