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Bus Driver Spots Young Woman Seconds From Committing Suicide – Stops Her With 1 Question

Here is another story that proves not all superheroes drive fancy cars and wear capes. The hero in this story is a bus driver from Buffalo, NY, named Darnell Barton. Barton was driving is regular route when he noticed something alarming happening just ahead. A woman had climbed over the guardrail and was looking down …

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Bus Driver Notices Something Strange About A Passenger & Child. Then He Saw The Terrifying Truth…

Heroes among us. Heroes don’t wear sports uniforms. They were police officer, firefighter, or medical garb. In this story, our hero is a bus driver. A three-year-old boy went missing from the library outside San Francisco in 2015. The little boy’s picture was circulated around the news. Tim Watson saw the report. Then, an hour …

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