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Woman Finds Strange Blueberry-Like Bugs Outside, No One Knows What They Are

Let’s face it bugs are not something most people want to have hanging out around the house! A woman named Mandy living in Houston found the bugs on the side of her house. She had never seen anything like them before and took a video of them. Mandy posted the video on her YouTube page …

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How To Burn Used Coffee Grounds For Mosquito Repellent

Coffee is a very popular beverage any time of the year. Did you know that coffee grounds are good too? Not to eat, of course, but as plant fertilizer and to help you get rid of pesky mosquitos! You no longer have to use those sticky chemical sprays at your cookouts this summer! Instead, get …

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Vets Issue Warning To Owners: Check Your Dogs’ Mouths

Frances Jirik’s dog, Bailey, wasn’t eating. Bailey also had begun to foam at the mouth and was lethargic. Like any responsible pet owner, Jirik took Bailey to see the vet. The veterinarian was left greatly appalled by what she saw! Dr. Lindsey Mitchell, found 30 to 40 lady bugs stuck on the roof of Bailey’s …

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