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Terrified Woman Hears Cries Coming From A Box Sealed Shut With Duct Tape

What would you do if you were walking past a bus stop and heard cries for help coming from inside a box that was all taped up? A woman actually found herself in this situation, and she quickly decided that the cats inside deserved better and opened the box. Inside the three small kittens were …

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Boy Finds Christmas Gifts On Father’s Grave After His Death

When Cody Wells was 23, his car went off the road and crashed into a tree, he was killed instantly. At the time of his death, Cody was working for the police department and was engaged to be married. Danielle, Cody’s fiancé, and Cody had a two-year-old son. Danielle would take her son, Braxton, to …

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Woman Sees Man Board Bus With Suspicious Box — Then Realizes What He’s Done

A man got on the bus in Sao Paulo, Brazil last week holding onto a cardboard box very tight. Fellow passenger, Camila Muracchini, was a little anxious about it. The man gave other people furtive glances as he made his way to his seat. Then the box moved – there was something IN the box …

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Suffocated Kittens Barely Hanging On To Life Get Rescued In Time From Extreme Cold Weather

It is stories like this that make me so angry. There are some people in this world who are too cruel. They are the lowest form of life, and there is a special place in the afterlife for them. On the other hand, we have heroes and angels. There is also a special place for …

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Couple Rescue Abandoned Puppies From A Sealed Box, Then Read A Heartbreaking Note

This box of puppies was found by a couple hiking in the woods in Texas. The box was sealed shut and just sitting in the forest. The box had the words “Shoot Me” written on it. How sad and tragic that someone thought that was what needed to be done to the six puppies. The …

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