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You Need To See What 1 Stranger Did When A Boy With Autism Had A Midflight Meltdown

On July 14. Rochel Groner and her husband were on a flight from Israel to Brussels – which takes about 8 hours. A young boy with autism started to lose control, he was crying and have a meltdown. Rochel could tell that the boy was trying to communicate something, but didn’t have the vocabulary to …

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Officer Spots What Mom And Son Are Doing In Parked Car, Swiftly Reacts

Living with autism is difficult and complicated, and one of the symptoms of this condition is that things can get quickly too overwhelming in stressful situations. When Charlie Watkins’ car broke down, she and her autistic son Jeriah were stuck in the heat and the traffic of highway 170. Everything was so loud that Jeriah …

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Barber Crawls Into Family’s Car To Help Autistic Teen Feel Safe During Haircut (Video)

Many of us take for granted the simple things in life. Walking, being able to hear, and getting a haircut. For people with autism, getting a haircut is sensory overload. Evan O’Dwyer, 16, has autism and needed a haircut – but things were not going well at all. He ran out of the barber shop …

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Judge Makes Unexpected Decision Regarding Teen Who Severely Abused Autistic Boy

The severe lightening of a sentence on Lauren Bush, 17, from Maryland for her charges of distribution of an obscene video and second-degree assault on a 16-year-old autistic boy has caused an uproar among those involved. Identified only by his middle name, the victim of the crimes, Michael has been put through hell thanks to …

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Woman Purposely Delays Her Flight After Spotting A Distressed Stranger

An act of kindness can change someone’s life forever. Shaina Murray from Texas was at the airport to take a flight when she spotted a man named Will. He was laying on ground in distress, and she knew she had to find out what was wrong and help him. Shaina called for medical assistance and …

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