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Animal Charity Released Disturbing Video To Show How Animals Are Abused At Zoo

Zoos catch a lot of press about the animals in their care. Many zoos are reputable and work hard to give the animals a rich and natural life. But, not all zoos have the time, money, or heart. The video clip below was released by a Canadian animal law charity and is shows horrifying abuse …

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Roadside Zoo Where Animals Have Been Publicly Abused For Years Is Somehow Still Open

Wild animals are incredible and who wouldn’t want to see them up close? If you have a hankering for seeing wild animals, go to a respected zoo – not a zoo that you find on the side of the road. Jeanette went undercover for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) in May 2017 …

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Teen Tortured Pets And Cut Out Puppy’s Heart To Sacrifice To ‘Egyptian God Of Death’

People who abuse innocent children and animals are the lowest form of life on the planet. Dogs and cats often rely on humans to provide them with food and shelter. Many countries have a stray pet population, Russia is one of those countries. A woman named Alina Orlova, 21 seemed to care enough about the …

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People Left Heartbroken After Opening Doors Of An Abandoned Truck On Hot Day

All these cages were crammed onto that yellow truck in Fresno County, California. It was a hot day too, and those cages were not empty. Residents actually started to smell something bad coming from the truck that had been abandoned on the side of the road, and they called for help. The Fresno Humane Animal …

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People Can’t Agree Whether These Sheep Are Cute Or Terrifying

These sheep are a special breed, called the Valaise Blacknose Sheep. These unique sheep are reared for their white wool and originated in Switzerland. What set them apart from a common sheep? It is the colour of their faces! Most sheep would have a brown face but not this breed. Their black coloured faces contrasts …

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Cruel Woman Thinks Creativity Is All About Exhibiting Bodies Of Lifeless Animals

What Iris Scheiferstein does, she considers art and a way to express creativity, Scheiferstein is a taxidermist. But, honestly, it is gross and disrespectful. Just look at this example – a dog encased in plastic?! Her so-called art has taken the world by storm, some are intrigued, but most people find it grotesque. She takes …

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This Video Shows Why No Animal Belongs In A Roadside Zoo

Wild animals should not be exploited for the benefit of humans. The crazy-eyed man you see holding the terrified bear cub is Tim Stark. Stark is the owner of a roadside zoo called Wildlife In Need located in Charlestown, Indiana. At Wildlife In Need, the animals are forced to live in small cages, visitors can …

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This Pet Shelter Only Hires Homeless People Who Love Animals

An old and injured dog named Mabel was rescued in the forest of Rio de Janeiro by the Miranda family more than three years ago. They already had seven other dogs when they adopted her. However, Mabel was found to be pregnant and gave birth to six puppies! Check out the whole story below! Four …

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Zoo Where Almost 500 Animals Died Continues To Operate Without A Shame

The death of an animal at a zoo is a big deal. In the U.K, at the Cumbria Zoo, which used to be called South Lakes Safari Zoo, 486 animals have died over the past four years. That number is just staggering, and it caught the attention of animal welfare advocates. Many of the deaths …

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A Unique Yet Surprising Bird’s Eye-View of Desert Animals Drinking Water

Water is an important fluid – it powers our day, and helps us stay hydrated through the summer heat and dehydration from everyday activities. But did you know that desert animals need water just as much as other species, and have their own ways in maintaining optimal hydration levels? Courtesy of John Wells, a well-known …

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