The house was left unsold, even real estate agents refused their calls – Jake and his girlfriend had to borrow money from the bank in order to purchase a new place to stay. Just then, Edith calls Jake, asking how things were going for the two. Dismayed, he rambled on how the house smells – all Edith did was to patiently listen and remark that she missed life at the mansion. She added that she was willing to reduce her divorce settlement fee if only the ownership of the mansion was transferred to her.

Image Credit: Pixabay
Jake readily agreed, on a price worth 10% of what the mansion was worth. He demanded Edith to sign the papers immediately and sought his lawyers out to deliver them within an hour. Edith signed them and moved back in.

Image Credit: Mark Moz / Flickr
Overjoyed, Edith now resides as mistress of the mansion. Former staff were also rehired and an housewarming party was held. A week later, Jake and his girlfriend stood smiling outside the mansion amongst mover trucks which carried their belongings. They were now rid of the foul-smelling mansion.
However, they took one thing from the mansion back with them to their new home: all of the curtain rods.
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