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Vets Issue Warning To Owners: Check Your Dogs’ Mouths

The ulcers that the ladybugs can cause on the tongue and mouth can lead to an infection.

The photo went viral. Who knew ladybugs could be such a hassle? The ladybugs that are causing this problem are Asian ladybugs (also called Harlequin lady beetles).

bugs in dog's mouth

Image Credit: KAKE

The ladybugs numbers have swelled because the aphid population has grown. The more aphids in the area – the more ladybugs there are to attack and eat them.

bugs in dog's mouth

Image Credit: KAKE

Other than the infestation reported by Dr. Mitchell, there is no other evidence that Asian ladybugs are harmful to pets. Some people who viewed the photo said the lady bugs in Bailey’s mouth were common ladybugs.

The bottom line – keep an eye on your pets and take them to the vet if they start to foam at the mouth and stop eating.

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