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Mom Is On The Verge Of Tears After Seeing The Stick Her Dog Wants To Take Home

Some dogs are obsessed with playing fetch. It is remarkable how many different objects me and my dog have played fetch with over the years. My dog doesn’t care what I throw, she will fetch it! Molly, the dog in this video, has found the best stick ever to play with. Well, it isn’t so …

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Coward Security Guard Caught Beating A Harmless Dog To Death With A Stick

The man you see here is a guard at Delhi Technical University. He savagely beat the dog lying on the ground to death with a stick. The dog reportedly had harmed some students and may have had rabies. Ayesha Christina from NGO Neighbourhood Woof reported the incident to police. Students at the university located in …

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Just As A Rhino Is About To Attack, An Elephant Tricks Him With A Stick

Elephants are one of nature’s most intelligent animals. They have a strong sense of family and have even been seen grieving the loss of a member of their herd. The video below is a rare look at the life of an African elephant. There is a battle that seems inevitable between a rhino and an …

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