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Dog Given Only A Few Months To Live Hangs On To Life So He Could See Dad One Last Time

Just one month after Eric left for an 8-month deployment, his dog, Kermie was diagnosed with cancer. Vets only gave Kermie another 2 to 3 months. But, Kermie wasn’t ready to go just yet. Eric came home around Christmas time, and Kermie was there to greet him. Having Eric home seemed to perk her up …

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Girl Who’s Reading Out Bio In Front Of School Suddenly Realizes Something Isn’t Right

Here is a tearjerker for you. We all know that military families sacrifice a lot. They have to say goodbye to a loved one when they go serve overseas. Some of those soldiers do not come back. In Missouri, Haley Webb, and eighth grader at Bingham Middle School said goodbye to her dad. He has …

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