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When He Takes His Dog Out For A Walk, She Stops And Wraps Her Paws Around Strangers’ Knees!

Sometimes you just need a hug. At the end of a rough day being able to cuddle with a loved one is enough to recharge and refresh. Fernandez-Chavez and his dog Louboutina (Loubie for short) understand this idea. Whenever Loubie and Fernandez-Chavez go out for a walk in Manhattan – Loubie will stop random people …

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Chicken Always Runs To Her Boy For Hugs, But This Time Something Isn’t Quite Right

Getting a haircut is part of life. Our hairdressers say that we should get our hair trimmed about every six weeks. Something about keeping the ends healthy and such. I am not a big fan of getting my haircut. I do like it when it is all done, however. Don’t you just feel better? Depending …

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