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Man Finds Odd Spiky Creature In His Campus Kitchen

The caretaker of the University of Sheffield in England found an odd-looking creature scurrying about in the campus kitchen! It didn’t take him long to realize the creature was a wild hedgehog and it was in trouble. The hedgehog’s spines had all been chopped off! The man took the hedgehog to the Cawthorne Hedgehog Sanctuary …

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‘Very Angry’ Little Animal Finds Himself Trapped In Ball Of Clay

This looks like an ordinary ball of clay – right?! Well, look again… still looks like a ball of clay to me! But it is actually a hedgehog that had rolled into a protective ball to protect itself from a dog in Chichester, England. The dog rolled the hedgehog through some wet clay that soon …

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Couple Noticed A Purple Orb On Hedgehog, And Realized That She’s Giving Birth On Camera

Hedgehog births are a great rarity, as mothers normally give birth to their precious babies deep in a den, where they nest and knew that they’ll be safe, away from predators that may try to eat their young. So it was a great surprise for a couple to see that their pet hedgehog was pregnant! …

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Hedgehog Hit By A Car Fought Hard To Live Because Of Her 5 Tiny Reasons

When more than one life is at stake, the fighting spirit can really soar. When someone stumbled across a wounded hedgehog hanging onto her life by a thread on a road in Israel after being hit by a vehicle, it seemed like nothing short of a miracle that she was still alive. Immediately, the little …

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Hedgehog Was Pressing Her Head Hard Against The Glass. Then Everyone Saw A Miracle.

Hedgehogs are cute, fluffy creatures. Wait, fluffy? Not so much, they have about 500 spines so you may not want to hug one! They got their name because of how they root in hedges to find food. Many people can’t live without the cuteness and have hedgehogs as pets. I am not a fan of …

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