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Man Enters Grocery Store With Girl, Shoppers Appalled To See What’s Around Her Neck

A strange video has surfaced where a man in a red sports jersey and white cap was recorded holding onto his girlfriend by a leash and “walking” her through a public store. The woman in question had a muzzle on. Bizarrely, no one in the store did anything to stop the couple or check to make …

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This German Grocery Store’s Cat Ad Is The Funniest Thing You’ll Ever See Today!

We all need food, and we all have to visit grocery stores to buy most of what we eat. It is often hard to decide which store to go to – right? Each week stores put out their ads, and we all sift through them to find the best deals. You many end up going …

Read More about This German Grocery Store’s Cat Ad Is The Funniest Thing You’ll Ever See Today!