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This German Grocery Store’s Cat Ad Is The Funniest Thing You’ll Ever See Today!

We all need food, and we all have to visit grocery stores to buy most of what we eat. It is often hard to decide which store to go to – right? Each week stores put out their ads, and we all sift through them to find the best deals. You many end up going to more than one store to take advantage of all the sales!

Some grocery stores have commercials on TV each week to let you know what deals you can find. You may even see some billboards for grocery stores as you drive down the highway. The commercial below was made for Netto Marken, a discount German grocery store. It is quite hilarious!

Take a look at this video!

Most commercials are silly and try to be cute – and they often fail. This commercial nails it! The music is catchy, and the ‘actors’ all have their roles down! Share away, people!