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3 Thugs Break Into Home And Attempt To Rape Girl, Grandpa Makes Them Suffer

A grandfather saved his granddaughter from some would-be rapists. Kenneth Byrd, 67, was at home with his wife at their Lumberton, North Carolina home. It was about 10 pm when someone knocked on the front door. Byrd opened the door to find a man standing there – who told him that he was having car …

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8-Year Old Given Wrong Medication At School Says Nurse Wouldn’t Listen

We trust that the health professionals in our children’s school are capable of handling medical situations. Right?! They went to school and studied medicine and have the ability to handle minor emergencies – and at the very least, they can dispense medications. Sadly, they don’t always do the right thing. An 8-year-old girl in Iowa …

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Man Got A Ginger Cat For His Sick And Grumpy Grandpa And Watched His Life Transform

Pets can bring so much joy and happiness into the lives of their families. There’s no better proof of this amazing power that animals have than Kinako, the cute little ginger cat who was brightened the lives of and brought endless love to the family of Akiko DuPont. DuPont’s 94-year-old grandfather Jiji fell sick in …

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Grandpa Cuts Family Out Of His Will, Leaves Inheritance To Builder Who Cleaned His Gutters For Free

When a family member dies, they often leave their wealth to family members. Well, not in this case! In March, Ronald Butcher died. He was 75. His inheritance was over $700,000, and not one single penny went to his family! The London Evening Standard reported that Butcher gave it all to a man named Daniel …

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Grandpa Comes Up With An Epic Plan To Handle His Out-Of-Control Grandson

What do you do when the child you love dearly starts to get out of control? A grandfather was shopping with his grandson when the child started screaming for candy. The grandfather used a very controlled voice and said: “Easy William, it is okay William.” A woman who was following the older man was impressed …

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