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Chimp Who Spent Years Chained Up And Locked Away Hugs Man Who Set Her Free

This is no life for a chimpanzee – there is a chain around her neck, and she is too thin. Her name is Leila, and she was living on a private park called Granja-por-de-Sol, in Huambo, Angola. John Grobler saw the four-and-a-half-year-old chimp and decided to help her. Grobler, a Namibian Journalist, started asking the …

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Chimp Rescued From Horrible Conditions Finally Set Free Thanks To Her Brave Savior

The world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees is Dr. Jane Goodall. Since 1977, The Jane Goodall Institute, an international wildlife, and environmental conservation organization, has been striving to save chimpanzees from extinction. Below is the story of one chimpanzee whose life was saved by this amazing organization. Wounda was on the brink of death when she …

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Dog Adopted An Orphaned Baby Chimp And The Photos Are Freaking Amazing

Some animals seem to have a mothering gene. Female animals who have given birth to young know, by instinct, how to care for their babies. But, what about females that haven’t given birth to a baby? Do they still know how to care for little ones? Yes. Need proof? Read on! In Russia, a mother …

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18 Years After Saving Chimp Their Eyes Meet Again — Ignoring All Warnings, She Walks Too Close

When Linda Koebner was a graduate student, she helped two chimpanzees’ make the transition from being lab animals to free animals. No one was certain the two chimps, Doll and Swing, could make the transition. They had known only misery and despair. Koebner worked with them for four years, and they were able to adapt …

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