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Man Risks Jail-Time To Save Dying Baby Bear He Came Across In The Woods

Corey Hancock, a photographer, came across this abandoned bear cub while hiking in Oregon. The cub, 3-months-old was in very bad shape. Hancock rushed the tiny cub to Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center, located near Salem, Oregon. The cub was dehydrated and starving. Thankfully, the cub is recovering nicely. Critics and animal experts say Hancock should …

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Heartbroken Baby Bear Refused To Leave Mother Killed By Poachers Until They Found Him

Poachers are claiming the lives of sloth bears in India. Not only that but humans keep encroaching on their territory, endangering not only to the sloth bear but others as well. Animals are exposed and more vulnerable, finding food becomes more challenging. Eventually, the animals end up wandering onto someone’s property and may destroy crops. Of …

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