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Coward Hides Behind Van To Beat His Dog As He Pleases

The video below is disturbing. Luckily the human monster was found and arrested for savagely beating a dog in Oldham, UK. The dog, Narla, was pulled and punched and thrown to the ground. Misha Javed is responsible for uploading the video which was shared on social media. Javed said in her post that she was …

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She Films Her Boyfriend Alone With Her Dogs Secretly And Calls Off The Wedding

Something is not right. You have suspicions. You want to believe that the person you love is being honest with you. You want to believe that the person you love is not hurting your pet when you are not home – but you wonder. A hidden camera could be the answer – but, be careful …

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Domestic Abuse Victim Takes A Photo Of Herself Every Day For A Year

This was the worst time in her life. She decided to document her hardship with one photo a day for an entire year. Why was it the worst year of her life? She was the victim of domestic abuse. The photos are hard to watch. You can see the pain on some days in her …

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Ex-Employee Decides To Show The World How This Pet Store Is Abusing Animals

When you see something that isn’t right – you should speak up. Katelyn Cerciello did. She had only worked at the Robinson Petland in Robinson Township, Pennsylvania for one month. She saw the owner not take care of the sick puppies. Instead, the puppies were sent to be euthanized. The owner would also sell puppies …

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Abusive Owner Won’t Give Her Up So Rescuers Forcefully Played This Trick To Save Her

In my opinion, anyone who intentionally abuses an animal is the lowest form of life on the planet. It happens way too often in this world. If you see abuse – report it. Animals need a voice to help them get out of that kind of situation. Special Needs Animal Rescue, and Rehabilitation (S.N.A.R.R) is …

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