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They Think They’re Rescuing A Neglected Dog Until They Take A Closer Look

Julia clearly is very thankful for being found and rescued – and exhausted from all the stress.

wolf-hybrid dog rescued

Image Credit: Eldad Hagar / Flickr

Julia was given some time to rest and plenty of good food.

wolf-hybrid dog rescued

Image Credit: Eldad Hagar / Flickr

She is making progress! Every day she is stronger, but still, requires a lot of sleep.

wolf-hybrid dog rescued

Image Credit: Eldad Hagar / Flickr

Eldad promises to keep everyone updated on her progress on the Hope For Paws’ Facebook page.

wolf-hybrid dog rescued

Image Credit: Eldad Hagar / Flickr

Wolf hybrids are dogs that have more wolf-like characteristics than dog characteristics. They are high energy and require a lot of training and room to roam and be wolves.

wolf-hybrid dog rescued

Image Credit: Eldad Hagar / Flickr

Wolf-hybrids are not animals meant to be house pets – they will not be happy cooped up in a house or chained up in a yard.

wolf-hybrid dog rescued

Image Credit: Eldad Hagar / Flickr

Please be sure you know what you are getting into before you get any kind of pet. They deserve the very best from their human families.

wolf-hybrid dog rescued

Image Credit: Eldad Hagar / Flickr

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