Then he punched her in the stomach when she cried.
Then in October, Hager suffered serious injuries when Cameron attacked her. The assault started with yelling and name calling. Then, according to Hager, Cameron tried to rip her tongue out with his bare hands.

Image Credit: Carleigh Hager Recovery Fund / GoFundMe
Cameron bit her ear, nose, and fingers. Then Cameron put his hands over her mouth and nose so she couldn’t breathe. Some of Hager’s friends called the police. Hager has gone to social media to warn people about the dangers of domestic violence.

Image Credit: Carleigh Hager Recovery Fund / GoFundMe
Hager pleaded with people to not ignore the warning signs. If you are in a relationship and are being verbally or physically abused – tell someone. If you know someone that is being abused – get them help.

Image Credit: Facebook
Hager almost died because she didn’t tell someone. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed – get help. IN the U.S. the number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-7233. Visit their site for an online chat session.