Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods! It is versatile, tasty, and it is a good source of protein. Did you know that in 1890, according to the Peanut Butter Lovers website, people with bad teeth were advised to have peanut butter paste? A doctor from Missouri’s largest city, St. Louis, actually came up with this idea. And peanut butter wasn’t expensive either, for just 6 cents, people could get a pound of peanut paste.

Image Credit: Flickr / Donny Ray Jones
Well, today, even though peanut allergies seem to be commonplace, doctors are recommending that parents introduce their babies to peanut butter when they turn four months.

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It used to be that children wouldn’t be given any peanuts until they turned three – the hope was to avoid the allergic response. But research now seems to be showing that the delay in introducing peanut butter has the opposite effect.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons