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Despite Being Highly Allergenic, Doctors Urge To Feed Babies Peanut Butter

Most of us take our children to the doctor to get vaccinated against illnesses like mumps, chicken pox, and measles.

peanut butter

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The vaccine allows their bodies to develop an immunity to those illnesses. It turns out that the same thing can happen if you give your child peanut butter at an early age.

peanut butter

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The National Institutes of Health are saying that it is okay to introduce peanut butter, in small doses, to your child. This could help lower the overall rate of peanut allergies! It is up to you if you want to allow your child to use peanut butter as body paint! LOL!

peanut butter

Image Credit: Youtube / VineArchive

Still not convinced? Visit the American Academy of Pediatrics, they have more information for you there. But before feeding your babies peanut butter, please speak to your pediatrician. Share away, people.