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Man Mows Down 4-Year-Old Boy, Gets Out Of Car To Check On Him, Pays The Price

There have been no arrests for the death of Urton. Police are conducting an investigation.

It is not clear at this time if he was shot before he hit the young boy or after. Maybe he was driving fast because he was trying to get help.

man and boy

Image Credit: Fox19

If he was shot and killed at the scene, that is a frightening reality.

It is bad enough that the witnesses dragged Urton and his passenger out of the car – but to shoot him?

What is the world coming to?

man and boy

Image Credit: CincyPD / Twitter

Killings released a statement to Urton’s family expressing his sorrow for their loss. Violence is not the answer.

Teach your children to solve their problems without resorting to violence.

Share away, people.