The story of Kenley Ratliff is a short, sad story. Tragically, Kenley’s life ended when she was just two-years-old.
Like many children her age, Kenley loved to go to the park and play in the grass.
When Kenley started to run a fever, her parents took her to the emergency room two separate times, but the fever only got worse.
The doctors all assumed that Kenley just had strep throat. It wasn’t strep throat and her condition actually got worse.
Her fever spiked, and then Kenley’s hands swelled. Finally, a purple rash covered her small body.
Once again Kenley was taken to the hospital, and this time the doctors were able to diagnose her with Rocky Mountain Fever which is a bacterial infection spread by ticks.
Kenley was intubated, put on a ventilator, and given antibiotics.