We have all heard that pit bulls are vicious and dangerous dogs. I honestly don’t believe they are a ‘bad’ breed of dog – it has to do with how they are trained and raised. Some police departments are now using pit bulls as police canines. The best part of this is that they don’t go to a breeder and get the dogs – they go to local shelters for the dogs!

Image Credit: Facebook/Protect Pit Bulls from BSL
Several groups will train the dogs for their important work. One such group is the Animal Farm Foundation. They collaborate with Universal K9 and Austin Pets Alive! to give the rescued pit bulls the proper training.

Image Credit: Facebook/Protect Pit Bulls from BSL
Normally a trained German Shepherd or Belgian dog will cost the police departments anywhere between $10,000 and $15,000 each.

Image Credit: Facebook/Protect Pit Bulls from BSL
By going to the shelter, they can get a hard-working, dedicated dog for much less! Pit bulls can be trained to be detective dogs too.

Image Credit: Facebook/Protect Pit Bulls from BSL