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108-Year Old Who Was About To Be Kicked Out Of Assisted Living Facility Receives A Huge Surprise

Susan Hatfield, Carrie’s daughter, started a GoFundMe for Carrie. They have raised only a small portion of the money they need.

assisted living facility

Image Credit: Susan Hatfield

You can imagine the stress that Carrie is under and her children. Carrie has never had to rely on her children like this for help.

assisted living facility

Image Credit: ABC News

Hatfield thinks that having her mother move to another facility would be bad for her physical and mental well-being.

assisted living facility

Image Credit: Susan Hatfield

The poor woman is 108 years old! Carrie is not the only one who will be facing this sort of tragedy. Life expectancies are on the rise.

assisted living facility

Image Credit: Susan Hatfield

People will outlive their money. Are you prepared? Do you have enough saved to cover the unexpected? I know I don’t!

Share away, people.