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10 Incredible Things That Happen During A Full Moon!

6. Menstrual cycles change

There is no certain research that has delved into how or why the menstrual cycle is affected by the full moon, but a study has proven that the phase of the moon can influence it.

7. Mood swings happen

Science suggests that the gravitational pull of the full moon causes emotional reactions, and it can even have bad effects on those with personality disorders.

8. Crime rates increase

Likely due to the added light that helps perpetrators see what they’re doing a little better, crime rates shoot up around a full moon.

9. People get injured more

Emergency rooms become more busy during the full moon. Some suggest that this is due to the fact that more people feel the desire to enjoy the night and leave their homes when a full moon is out, resulting in more mishaps.

10. … but they also recover faster

full moon

Image Credit: Pixabay

Research found that patients who underwent surgery recovered four days faster during the full moon than those who did so at other times. They also had a higher chance of survival.

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