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Rescue Crews Searching For Survivors After Deadly Avalanche End Up Rescuing Puppies

An avalanche in Italy on January 18, 2017, covered the Rigopiano Hotel and nearly 24 people were missing. The massive avalanche was triggered by a series of earthquakes. Rescue workers were digging through the snow in the hopes of finding the missing people. What they found only gave them more hope.

puppy rescue

Image Credit: Vigili del Fuoco

Inside the boiler room of the hotel were three Abruzzo sheepdog puppies! There were some air pockets in the ruins of the building that allowed the puppies to survive even though the building around them was in ruins.

puppy rescue

Image Credit: Vigili del Fuoco

Finding the puppies lifted the spirits of the rescue workers. All three of the puppies were healthy and uninjured. When the puppies were found, there were 15 people still missing. The parents, Cloud and Lupo, of the puppies, had been swept away when the avalanche hit.

puppy rescue

Image Credit: Vigili del Fuoco