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People Are Buying Huskies Because Of Game Of Thrones – Then Abandoning Them

My parents had four Huskies at one time, and I had one! They are amazing animals. Smart, funny, and yes, quite a handful! If a husky gets bored, they will pull a Houdini act and escape!

game of thrones huskies

Image Credit: NorSled

They are pack animals and do not want to be left alone for long periods. Norsled, located in Northern California has about 40 dogs who need foster homes.

game of thrones huskies

Image Credit: BASH

Interested in helping foster a husky? First, do your research and then visit Norsled and BASH if you decided a husky if for you!

game of thrones huskies

Image Credit: Laika the Husky / Facebook

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