Rachel has been taking care of her grandfather, who is 93 years old, for a long time now. He has Alzheimer’s and often seems glum and sad. Between cooking and cleaning for him, reading to him, and going on walks with him, Rachel also finds the time to teach him to dance again in a heartwarming video.
The sound of Omi’s Cheerleader plays in the background as Rachel begins to dance, then slowly offers her hand to her grandfather. He looks unsure at first, but soon, smiles and takes it, and then he stands up to dance with her! The two jig side to side, with Rachel demonstrating moves for her grandfather to copy. It just goes to show that age is just a number and has no dictation over fun!
It’s so heartwarming to see how happy her grandfather is to dance with her, smiling happily as he goes. The two clearly have a strong, special bond together, and it grows stronger with every new dance. He seems so happy to be on his feet, and Rachel can’t help but laugh at her grandfather’s cool moves!
Rachel and her grandfather continue to dance to this same song and come up with new moves along the way. This touching display of love and happiness is enough to brighten anyone’s day. Check out the video and you’ll see what I mean!
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