In Sichuan, China, a farmer named Li Wenhua found a spider – but it wasn’t the common household type. He could not tell what species it was! After the word got around, turns out that the spider was a special one.
It was the Chinese hourglass spider, and Li Wenhua was lucky to have spotted it! It even sparked the interest of Zhao Li, who was head of the Insect Museum of West China! The spider was rediscovered back in 2000 – and its harder to spot than you think it’ll be.

Image Credit: PatrynWorldLatestNew / YouTube
The spider has only been seen for a total of 6 times so far – which explains its rarity! In addition, this spider is crucial for its role in assisting animal-related scientific research amongst professors in Sichuan.

Image Credit: PatrynWorldLatestNew / YouTube
The Chinese hourglass spider one of the rarest species in the trapdoor spider category, as well as one of the oldest existing species to date! It first appeared back in 2 B.C.E, and was even mentioned in ancient Chinese documents!

Image Credit: PatrynWorldLatestNew / YouTube
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