Some people are the lowest of the low. This woman, Micha Leigh Dominquez, was seen begging for money at an intersection in Richmond, Virginia – she appeared homeless to all those who saw her. Two men followed her after she was done panhandling.
Dominquez went to a McDonald’s parking lot and got into her car – not an old beat up car that you may expect someone who was down on their luck to drive, no, a 2014 model.
Dominquez isn’t homeless but claims she has a disability. Dominquez gets in her car and leaves the scene. YouTube took the video down soon after it was posted claiming it violates their bullying and harassment policy.

Image Credit: N/A
But in a recent development, Dominquez was arrested! She apparently got into a confrontation with people who were trying to film her. Perhaps her ‘disability’ is just a simple case of laziness.

Image Credit: N/A
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