You wouldn’t think too much about seeing an old suitcase lying on the side of the road.
You may think that some unsuspecting traveler lost the luggage.
You may not give it a second thought.
Sara Baumer saw a battered suitcase when she was out for a walk.

Image Credit: Top Tales
It wasn’t on the side of the road, it was in the middle of a park.
Even then, Sara didn’t think much about it – but then she heard some muffled cries coming from inside the suitcase!
When she opened it up, she found 12 tiny black kittens inside!

Image Credit: Top Tales
Someone had abandoned the kittens.
They had all been given a death sentence for being born.

Image Credit: Top Tales
Sara got them to the vet.
Other than being a little thirsty and hungry – and having fleas, the kittens were in pretty good shape.

Image Credit: Top Tales
Thankfully, Sara walked past when she did.
Can you imagine what would have happened if she hadn’t heard them cry?

Image Credit: Top Tales
Things could have been a lot worse. Unfortunately, the monster that left the kittens to die in the suitcase was never found.
The vet made sure that all the tiny kittens found a loving forever home.

Image Credit: Top Tales
When you are looking for a pet – please adopt.
There are so many animals waiting in a shelter for a forever home.

Image Credit: Top Tales
Won’t you give one a chance? It is worth it. I have rescued (from the shelter) three dogs – each one is an amazing addition to my family.
I can’t imagine what my life would have been without them!

Image Credit: Top Tales
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