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Woman Ordered By Court To Speak To Ex-Fiance Who Nearly Killed Her Or Face Jail Time

Hughes was given a nine-year sentence for his actions. As if Natalie hadn’t suffered enough, she now faces jail time herself if she doesn’t write Hughes letters to tell him how his sons are doing.

ex-fiance beat woman

Image Credit: ITV

Hughes has demanded six letters a year and a phone call on holidays and birthdays. When Natalie got the demand, she didn’t act right away and later got a summons to court. There is a law in the UK that allows Hughes to have contact with his sons.

Natalie has no choice but to comply – lest she wants to be jailed as well.

ex-fiance beat woman

Image Credit: newsteam

That doesn’t make any sense to me. Clearly, this man is a violent person. He should have lost his parental rights when he allowed his sons to witness the attack on their mother. I can only imagine how Natalie’s life will change (again) when Hughes gets out of prison.

ex-fiance beat woman

Image Credit: newsteam

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