Some women dream of the day their boyfriend proposes to them. They imagine him getting down on one knee and proclaiming his love for her! Then he presents the ring! The ring, for most women, is a rock that glitters and outshines all other gems in the world! What happens if your soon-to-be fiancé can’t afford a big ring? A user on Mumsnet shared with the world her disappointment over the small ring her fiancé gave her.

Image Credit: Diamond / Wikipedia
She was really looking for some support, but many people who responded to her post were outraged. The first thing the woman thought of when she saw the white gold diamond solitaire ring was “small.”

Image Credit: Max Pixel
Then she went on to say, it wasn’t just the size but the color of the gold and the setting – none of it was up to her expectations. And the stone was small and had ‘chunky’ shoulders. The woman even found the receipt and posted it!

Image Credit: fattura_a_vita / Instagram