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Wife Builds Tiny House Trailer, But When She Shows The Inside, You’ll Be Stunned!

White lives in a remote area of Alaska, where there aren’t any big department stores or craft shops to help them out. As such, she builds tiny homes entirely from scratch. This gives the freedom to make sure that everything has more than one use – sometimes there are several ingenious uses for just one thing! This results in homes that are space saving with tons of hidden functions.

She places the main bed on an elevator-type contraption so it can be lifted and lowered as need be, with the space underneath it being made up of a sofa. The sofa comprises of a foam mattress cut into three parts with storage space underneath, and these parts can then be combined into a full-sized guest bed.

Take a look at this video

White also manages to fit a place for drying clothes, a pantry, a washer and dryer, and fully functional and accessible plumbing into this little home. There are footstools that double as comfortable chairs, steps, coffee tables, and mini desks for your lap, and there is storage that can turn into tables that can then be transformed into three different styles. No detail is left out in this purely genius home!

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