With globalization and industries developing all over the world, pollution stands as one of the worst environmental issues globally. Damage done to our mother earth can be hardly visible, yet greatly consequential, such as the extinction or endangerment of specific plant and animal species.
The state of Gaia is presented with a 15 picture photologue – the amount of waste we are generating everyday is more than we would imagine it to be. Truth may be hard to swallow at first, but as modern citizens we should aim to reduce global solid waste production amongst our everyday tasks.
1. A tortoise is left deformed by a single rubber band strapped onto him since 19 years before – this is him now.

Image Credit: Grilledbutter / imgur
2. The beauty of the Great Wall of China is littered by non-recyclables.

Image Credit: OdetteLove / imgur
3. The once-clean river is now laden with disposed waste.

Image Credit: OdetteLove / imgur
4. Even birds are victim to pollution.

Image Credit: Grilledbutter / imgur
- A seal is pictured below, with his nostril stuck in a plastic container.

Image Credit: Grilledbutter / imgur